
Monday, January 17, 2022

Amanuensis Monday: Seventh Avenue Chapel, New York City

66 West 46th St N.Y.

Oct 6, 1882

Ulyses S Stitt Clerk

My Dear Sir

On Friday Evening Sept 29th there were received into the membership of the Church through the Seventh Avenue Chapel the following persons who made a satisfactory profession of their Faith.

Christian Hager and Kunigunda Gebhardt his wife.

Edwin Hide Moore. The last named was baptized by me prior to the Communion.

Yours Very Truly

Joseph R Duryee

Minister in Charge

Seventh Avenue Chapel


Elder Bolby were present


Report from

7th Av Chapel 29 Sept ‘82

Read Nov 3 1882


George S Stitt Esqr

113 Fulton Street

N.Y. City