
Friday, August 20, 2010


While googling an ancestor in hopes of coming across useful genealogical info, I found a picture of his family grave at flickr.  I won't repaste the photograph here (in the interest of not violating any possible copyrights).  I have my own pictures of this plot, so they will suffice for the illustration.

Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Tarrytown, Westchester County, New York
30 July 2010
 The caption reads "Mini-Me."  The caption used to read "Got Bars?"

I myself have taken pictures of unusual or interesting graves.  This is the first that I have seen someone take such an interest in one of my family graves.  Is this flattering, spooky, or irreverent?  I am not sure.

In studying the picture, I realized that the "mini me" gravestones, also known as footstones, were once in their proper places, but had migrated to rest against the headstones.  Some were moved and broken when my grandmother was buried in this plot in 2003, so the cemetery may have repaired them and then moved the rest of the footstones.

March 2001

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