
Monday, December 10, 2012

Amanuensis Monday: Aunt Mary's Birthday

Fourth in a series of transcribing the notes in the BISHOP family file at New York State Library in Albany.

Today's item is a letter written on the 5th day of December, 1900 by Anna P Kelsey to her cousin Mary, requesting that she honor the 10th day of December as the 100 year anniversary of the birth of their aunt Mary.

Cape Vincent, NY
Dec 5, 1900

My dear Cousin Mary

I received a letter from cousin Julia Wilson today (whose address is 1032 Pine Street, Boulder Col) asking that we might as a family celebrate the 10th day of Dec 1900, as it is the 100th anniversary of Aunt Mary’s birth- “In the only way we can, scattered over the continent as we are, by observing a special commemoration, a continual commemoration in our hearts, giving thanks 1st for the noble lives of our grand parents, and their children” of whom (your father and mine, together with Aunts Mary, Maria, and Julia and Uncle Ogden,) we have such lovely remembrances.

2nd  “That not one of their posterity has disgraced the name.”

3rd  “That no quarrel, hatred, misunderstanding has ever entered the circle to spoil our home love.”

And 4th a prayer for each of us, that we may have grace given us to live worthy of the ancestry which is our, Worthy of them.

Cousin Julia wishes me to “notify you of this call for our centennial commemoration and give her your address.  She will try on that day to send a short telegram to you.[“]

Lovingly your cousin
Anna P Kelsey

1900 United States Federal Census
Cape Vincent, Jefferson County, New York

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