
Monday, April 13, 2015

Amanuensis Monday: 1829 Will of James G Taylor of Freehold, New Jersey

Of Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States
Signed August 15, 1829
Proved February 18, 1836
Monmouth County, New Jersey, Wills, Volume D, pages 11-15

James G Taylor’s Will & c.

I, James G Taylor, of the township of Freehold, in the County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine and on this fifteenth day of August do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following and under the Limitations and Restrictions hereinafter expressed (that is to say) it is my Will and I do order and direct that my Executor hereinafter named do pay all my just and lawfull debts and funeral carges likewise the Legacies and specificks gifts hereinafter mentioned in the manner in which I shall hereafter describe and in order to enable him so to do I do hereby autherise and empower him to collect all my debts and dues whatsoever and to sell all my moveable estate not hereinafter disposed of by specificks gifts.

First Item.  I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sophia Taylor the use during her natural life of my desk and clock in the South Room and Burough in the North Room and after my beloved Sophia Taylor’s decease my Will is and I do give and bequeath the aforesaid Desk, Clock and Burough to my Brother John Taylor’s two sons namely James Taylor and John Taylor to them their heirs and assigns forever.  Also I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sophia Taylor one large Dineing Dineing Table, one Tea Table in the North Room also as many Sitting Chairs as she my said Wife pleases to take, also the two Carpets also her choice of one Bed Curtains Bedstead Beding and Cord such as she my said wife shall think sufficient to clothe said Bed with also one pair of tongs and shovel one pair of brass candlesticks also two looking Glasses also two diaper table cloths two diaper towels six sheets six pillow cases also her choice of one of my cows to her her heirs and assigns forever and further I give unto my beloved wife the privilege of keeping one cow on my farm and said cow to be found both paster and foder on said farm at the expence of those whom I shall hereafter bequeath my farm I now live on and further I give to my beloved wife the use of one more Bed, Beding Curtains, Bedstead and Cord such as she my said wife shall make choice of during her natural life and after my said wife decease my Will is and I do give and bequeath the said Bed wich my said wife is to have the use of during her natural life together with the beding curtains bedstead and Cord unto my Brother John Taylors son James Taylor and to his heirs and assigns forever.  Also I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife the use of my covered wagon I bought of Garret G. Vanderveer during her natural life and after my said wife decease my will is and I do give and bequeath the said wagon unto my Brother John Taylors two sons namely James Taylor & John Taylor and to them their heirs and assigns forever and further my Will is and I do bequeath unto my beloved wife Sophia Taylor the sum of One Hundred Dollars yearly and every year during her natural life to be paid to her my wife by those to whom I shall hereafter bequeath my Farm or plantation I now live on and for the Security of this yearly legacy out of my Landed Estate to my said wife or for its nonpayment I do make my Landed Estate liable to the Seizine of my beloved wife for this yearly legacy which I give in lieu of her right of Dower and further I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife the use of the two South Rooms in my house below Stairs and the South Room upstairs during her natural life, also the further use of the Kitchen and Milk Room, also fire wood sufficient for her use and the wood to be cut and carted to her dore at the expence of those to whom I shall hereafter bequeath my Farm during her natural life.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my Brother John Taylors two sons namely James Taylor and John Taylor and to their heirs and assigns forever my Farm or plantation I now live on equally between them but this bequest is upon the following condition (that is to say) that they the said James Taylor and John Taylor are to pay to their Aunt Sophia Taylor my said wife the above described yearly legacy of One Hundred Dollars per year out of my Landed Estate and further the said James Taylor and John Taylor are to furnish to my said wife, firewood pasture and foder as before described.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my colord man named Lawrence the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars to him his heirs and assigns forever, payable as follows, (that is to say) twenty five dollars in one year after my decease and twenty five dollars yearly after the first payment untill the whole sum be paid of one hundred and fifty dollars unto my colored man Lawrence this legacy I do also make my Landed Estate liable for and to be by my Brother John Taylors two sons namely James Taylor and John Taylor to whom I have bequeathed my Farm paid.  Also I give and bequeath unto my colored man Lawrence one hen feather bed, beding pillow bedstead and cord to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my colored woman named Stacy forty five dollars out of my Landed Estate payable as follows, that they the said James & John Taylor sons of my Brother John Taylor shall pay out of my Landed Estate that I have bequeathed unto the said James & John Taylor, the sum of fifteen dollars in two years after my decease, and the further sum of fifteen dollars in two years after the first payment and the further sum of fifteen dollars in two years after the second payment unto my colored woman named Stacy, also I give and bequeath unto my colored woman named Stacy one hen feather bed beding pillows bedstead & cord to her her heirs and assigns forever.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my Sister Elenor Imlay son Joseph Imley and to his heirs and assigns forever the sum of One Hundred Dollars to be paid out of my Landed Estate that I have bequeathed unto James & John Taylor sons of my Brother John Taylor and by them paid when he the said Joseph Imley shall arrive at the age of twenty one years old.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my sister Elenor Imleys Daughter Eupamy Walling and to her heirs & assigns forever the sum of fifty dollars to be paid to her by my Brother John Taylors two sons namely James Taylor and John Taylor in two years after my decease out of the Landed Property that I have bequeathed the said James and John Taylor.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my Brother John Taylors six children namely Mary Taylor, William Taylor, George Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Sarah Taylor, and Lydia Taylor to them their heirs and assigns forever the sum of One thousand Dollars out of my moveable property and after the following manner to Mary Taylor I give and bequeath one hundred Dollars out of the one thousand.  To William Taylor I give and bequeath the sum of four hundred dollars of the one thousand.  To George Taylor I give and bequeath four hundred dollars of the one thousand.  And to Elizabeth Taylor, Sarah Taylor and Ludia Taylor I give and bequeath one hundred dollars equally between the three namely, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Lydia Taylor.  But these several legacies that I have bequeathed unto my Brother John Taylor six children namely Mary, William, George, Elizabeth, Sarah and Lydia to be kept at interest by my Executor and for each of the above named children only to receive their respective legacies as they may arrive to lawfull age and the interest that may grow out of these several legacies before the aforesaid six children shall be entitled to receive their respective legacies by the words of my Will I give and bequeath unto my Brother John Taylor and to his heirs and assigns forever.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my sister Hannah Smith six children the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars after the following manner.  My Will is and I do give and bequeath unto Sidney Smith, son of my sister Hannah Smith, the sum of One Hundred Dollars out of the four hundred and fifty dollars to him, his heirs and assigns forever.  Also I give and bequeath unto Julyan Smith, daughter of my sister Hannah Smith, the sum of fifty dollars out of the four hundred and fifty dollars to her, her heirs and assigns forever.  Also I give and bequeath unto Holmes Smith, son of my sister Hannah Smith, the sum of one hundred dollars out of the four hundred and fifty dollars to him, his heirs and assigns forever.  Also I give and bequeath unto Sophia Smith, daughter of my sister Hannah Smith, the sum of fifty dollars out of the four hundred and fifty dollars to her, her heirs and assigns forever.  I also give and bequeath unto George Smith, son of my sister Hannah Smith, the sum of one hundred dollars out of the four hundred and fifty dollars to him, his heirs and assigns forever.  Also I give and bequeath unto my sister Hannah Smith daughter Hannah Smith the sum of fifty dollars out of the four hundred and fifty dollars to her, her heirs and assigns forever.  These several legacies to be paid by my Executor out of my moveable Estate to the above named children of my sister, Hannah Smith, as soon as they shall arrive to lawfull age.  And further these several legacies left to my sister Hannah Smiths children to be kept at interest by my Executor untill each of my sister Hannah Smiths childs share shall become due according to the words of my Will and the interest that may grow out of these several legacies left my sister Hannah Smiths children before they become due to said children according to the words of my Will I give and bequeath unto my sister Hannah Smith and to her heirs and assigns forever, and further this Interest to be paid to her my sister yearly.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth Taylor the sum of twenty five dollars out of my moveable Estate to her her heirs and assigns forever to be paid to her in one year after my decease.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my sister Rachel Taylor the sum of twenty five dollars to be paid to her in one year after my decease out of my moveable property to her her heirs and assigns forever.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my Brother George Taylors son James Taylor at my decease all that bond & mortgage I hold against the estate of my Brother George Taylor dec’d. conditioned for the payment of eight hundred dollars to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my Brother Edward Taylor all that bond and mortgage I hold against him at my decease conditioned for the payment of four hundred dollars to him his heirs and assigns forever, and further I give and bequeath unto my Brother Edward Taylor and to his heirs and assigns forever all the residue and remainder of my personal estate not before disposed of to him his heirs and assigns forever and all my wearing apparel my Will further is that it be equally divided between my two Brothers namely John Taylor and Edward Taylor.  And Lastly I do nominate constitute and appoint John W Holmes my Executor to execute this my last Will and Testament.

In Witness Whereof I the said James G Taylor have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.  ---James G Taylor (L. S.)

Note the word dollars was interlined before sealing this instrument.

Signed Sealed and Delivered by the Testator as his last Will and Testament in presence of us.
Spafford Bowne
H. P. Conover
Ann Van Brakle

Hendrick P. Conover & Spafford Bowne, two of the witnesses to the within Will, being duly sworn according to law, did severally depose and say that they saw James G Taylor, the Testator therein named, sign and seal the same and heard him publish pronounce and declare the annexed writing to be his last Will and Testament and that at the doing thereof the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory as far as these deponents know and as they verily believe and that Ann Vanbrakle, the other subscribing evidence, was present at the same time and signed her name as witness to the said Will together with these deponents in the presence of the said Testator and of each other.
H. P. Conover
Spafford Bowne
Sworn and subscribed before me this 18th day of Feby. A.D. 1836.  Henry D. Polhemus, Surrogate.

John W. Holmes, the Executor in the within Testament named, being duly sworn according to law, did depose and say that the annexed instrument contains the true last Will and Testament of James G. Taylor, the Testator therein named, as far as he knows and as he verily believes that he will well and truly perform the same by paying first the debts of the said deceased and then the legacies in said Will specified so far as the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased can thereunto extend, and that he will make and exhibit into the Surrogate’s Office of the County of Monmouth a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of said deceased that have or shall come to his knowledge or possession or to the possession of any other person or persons for his use and render a just and true account when thereunto lawfully required.
John W. Holmes
Sworn and subscribed before me this 18th day of Feby A.D. 1836.  Henry D. Polhemus, Surrogate

I, Henry D. Polhemus, Surrogate of the County of Monmouth, do certify the annexed to be a true copy of the Last Will and Testament of James G. Taylor, late of the County of Monmouth, deceased, and that John W. Holmes, the Executor therein named proved the same before me and is duly authorized to take upon himself the administration of the Estate of the Testator agreeably to the said Will.
Witness my hand and seal of office at Freehold, this eighteenth day of February in the year of Our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and thirty six.

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