
Monday, May 9, 2016

Amanuensis Monday: Bible of Reverend John Hudson Duryea

A Duryea family bible found its way to me via eBay.  (Thanks Uncle Howard!)

Bible as advertised on eBay

The bible itself was published in 1838.  In the front are loose papers from the Jerome and Leach families.  Within the bible are records for John Hudson Duryea (1810-1895) and his wives.  The connection that I can figure out is:  Richard Jerome (born 1753) and Esther Leach (born 1760) were the maternal grandparents of Spencer Cone Blake (1835-1911), who married Harriet Wallace (1839-1921).  Harriet's mother, Elizabeth Thompson (1815-1852), was the second wife of Reverend John Hudson Duryea.  Reverend Duryea served at the Second Reformed Church in Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey.

Reverend Theodore W Welles, the author of this book, married Reverend Duryea's daughter,
Mary Sophia Duryea, on April 24, 1900, according to the family bible.

Book mark.  Counted cross stitch.
"Feed they sheep and lambs."
Bible Rev J H Duryea.
Bible P Bogert.

Someone transcribed this original record from another bible.  The pages are loose inside the Duryea bible.
Note that the transcript is inaccurate.

I did not unfold the papers because they are too fragile.

The corresponding original paper for this transcript is missing.

The corresponding original paper for this transcript is missing.


I transcribed the records for easier finding online and preservation.


Richard Jerom and Esther Leach joined in
Mariage Covenant June 11 [crossed out] 21 1789.

Richard born September 28 1753.
Esther his wife born July 22 1760.

Our Children  births  is as followeth

Irene born March 29th D ~ 1790 ~
Richard born December 16th D ~ 1792 ~ [corrected to 1791?]
Clarisa born January 10 D ~ 1793 ~
Olive born March 27th D ~ 1795 ~
Nancy born May 20th D ~ 1797 ~
Sally born August [?]th D ~ 1799 ~
Lovina born December 29th D ~ 1801 ~
Mary born May 18th D ~ 1804 ~

Richard Jerom Grand Son

David J Peck born September 25th 1811

Olive Rogers died December 19th 1820 - - Aged 25

Clarisa Rineford died October 27th 1821  Aged 28

Richard Jerome died May 15th 1837  Aged 83

Irene Jerome died May 15 1841  Age 57

[?] died January 10 1844  Aged 83



Lovina Stebbins died October 30 1856  Aged 54

Anson Hillman died January 3 1870  Aged 37 and 4 months

Mary Darrow died Jany 3d 1842  Aged 38


John Jerome
Arrived in America about 1735 coming from France to escape persecution – first landing on Isle of Wight.
3 brothers came together – John – Augustus – and Stephen.
Augustus stayed in N. Y.

From the “Jerome” Bible
King James – Oxford Edition – 1776

Joseph Leach & Mary Rogers Joyned in Marriage Covenant
April 22, A.D. 1739

Joseph born Feb. 12, 1710 – Mary, his wife, born May 7, 1718.

Our children’s Births & Deaths is as followeth.
Joseph, born August 13th, 1740
Daniel, born April 30th, 1742
Amos, born Jan. 24th, 1744
Amos, born Feb. 17th, 1746
Mary, born Feb. 1st, 1748
Abraham, born Feb. 17th, 1750
Esther, born April 20, 1752
                Esther dec’d this life March 5, 1753
Isaac, born Jan 27, 1754
Esther, ye 2nd daught. born July 22, 1760
James, dec’d this life Oct. 2, 1764, aged 21 years
Isaac, dec’d this life Jan. 21, 1772, aged 18 years
Amos, dec’d this life October 8, 1774, aged 28 years.

From the second page.
Esther Jeroms Book
Richard H Jerom
Richard Jerome in the Year of Our Lord (?)
Esther Jerome in the Year of our Lord (?)

Note: Spelled as written.

From page in back of Bible

Richard Jerom & Esther Leach, Joined in Mariage Covenant
June 21, 1739

Richard, born September 21, 1793.
Esther, his Wife, Born July 22, 1760
[In pencil:  21 yrs later than 1st Esther]

Our children births is as followeth:

Irene, born March 29th, 1790
Richard, born December 14th, 1792
Clarisa, born January 10, 1793
Olive, born March 27th, 1795
Nancy, born May 20th, 1797
Sally, born August 1st, 1799
Lovina, born December 29th, 1801
Mary, born May 1st, 1804

Richard Jerome Grand Son

David J Peck, born September 25th, 1811
Olive Rogers, born December 19th, 1820
Clarisa Rixford, born October 27th, 1821

Richard Jerome, died May 15th, 1834, aged 83
Irene Jerome died May 15th, 1841, age 54
Esther, wife, died January 10, 1899, age 83
Lovina Stebbins, died October 30, 1896, aged 54
Mary Darrow, died January 3rd, 1862, age 38

[In pencil:  There was another Mary Darrow, related to Ephriam or Percy Lyon.]

Inside 1838 “Duryea” bible


Robert Wallace and Elizabeth Thompson
Married Sept 15th 1836

John Hudson Duryea and Elizabeth T Wallace
Married April 10th 1844

John H Duryea and Sarah Jane Burhans
Married Decr 12, 1854

John Hudson Duryea and Sophia Townsley
Married Sept 5, 1837

Spencer C Blake and Harriet S Wallace
Sept 16, 1862

Richard W Dockson and Sarah T Wallace
June 20, 1876

John H Duryea Jr and Emma Mundy
Married Decr 24th 1881

Theodore W Welles and Mary Sophia Duryea
Married April 24th 1900

Robert Wallace born March 13th 1812

Elizabeth Thompson born Oct 18th 1815

John Hudson Duryea born November 28th 1810

Sophia Townsley born March 3, 1817

Sarah Jane Burhans born July 19, 1822

Richard W Dockson born Decr 16, 1829

Theodore W Welles born May 6th 1839

Sarah Wallace was born June 19th 1837

William Wallace was born Augt 29th 1838

Harriet S Wallace was born Novemr 22d 1839

John Hudson Duryea was born March 12, 1845

Robert T Duryea was born May 12, 1846

Mary Sophia Duryea born April 30, 1849

Elizabeth Duryea born April 3, 1851

Emma Duryea born 1857


Robert Wallace died August 8th 1839

William Wallace son of Robert and Elizabeth T died September 6th 1839

Sophia T Duryea died Sept 6, 1842

Revd John Hudson Duryea died Augt 7th 1895

Sara Jane Burhans widow of Rev. John H Duryea, D. D. died May 9th 1909 aged 86 years, 9 m, 20d.

Harriet S Wallace, widow of Spencer C Blake, died Sept 18th 1921.

John Hudson Duryea died Feb 14th 1923.

Emma Duryea wife of John Hudson Duryea died Dec 28th 1924.

Robert T Duryea son of John H and Elizabeth T Duryea died March 15, 1850.

Elizabeth T Duryea died Febr 21, 1852.

Elizabeth T Druyea daughter of John H and Elizabeth T Duryea died Febr 14, 1864 aged 12 yrs, 10m, 11d.

Richard W Dockson died May 4, 1877 aged 47 years, 4m, 18d.

Spencer C Blake died July 4th 1911.

Sarah T Dockson died July 8th 1924.


Mr Samuel Duryea

Mrs Elizabeth Wallace compliments to Mr and Mrs Duryea requesting the pleasure of their company on Wednesday morning the 10th inst at 9 oclock.

Crawford April 6th 1877

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