
Sunday, November 26, 2017

Living DNA Accepting Transfers (For Free)

Earlier this year I tested my autosomal DNA with Living DNA.

This company does not provide relative matching, which is my main focus in testing DNA. Instead, Living DNA provides a detailed ethnicity breakdown concentrated in Great Britain and Ireland.

Interesting, but I have not made much use of these results in my research.

In October, Living DNA began accepting uploads of files from other DNA testing sites. This means that you do not have to send in a specimen.

Living DNA calls this endeavor One Family One World.

Relative matching is a predicted future service, which is great.

While logged into my account, I uploaded my mother's DNA file from 23andMe using this link. (She is deceased, so she cannot test anymore. I have only her DNA computer file to work with.)

I had to wait for "transfer instructions" in an email.

Now we wait until next year for possible relatives to appear for my mother at Living DNA.

Next, I tried my father. I could not upload his file using my account.

You need a separate email address for every file transfer. So I uploaded both parents and that was it. I could create several more email addresses just to upload more people to Living DNA, but that would be onerous.

If Living DNA wants to grow its database of participants, requiring separate emails hinders this goal. But the price is unbeatable.


  1. Thanks for this info. I manage several kits and will upload the results from all of them. I'm prepared to go through the pain to have the opportunity to get more matches.

    1. Yes, now is the time while this is a free service.
      I am most interested in my mother's tree because she is three quarters Irish and I am chasing her unknown biological father. Living DNA will likely have testers concentrated in Ireland who may not have tested with any other company.
